Crop Bars

It may seem like an obvious statement, but the more steel in the structure, the stronger it is.

How much steel you need can depend heavily on the prevailing weather in your area. You can use these maps and tables  to check your average wind speed and snow load.


This will help you to determine which kind of crop bar hangers you should choose; the “Inverted V” for lighter weather loading, or the sturdier “W-Hangers” for heavier weather loading, load bearing apparatus and crop support

V Hangers - Sufficient throughout most of the UK

W Hangers - Used in more extreme locations on wider tunnels

Formed from 50mm and 32mm diameter, Armour-guard coated steel tubing, our crop bars and hangers are just as strong and durable as the hoops they service. Not only do they pin the hoops together, they prevent lateral movement and joint loosening. When fitted with “W-Hangers”, they’re strong enough to carry direct loading. This is often seen in retail locations where large numbers of hanging baskets or planters are to be displayed. Crop bars also form the backbone of vital irrigation and air circulation systems as they are able to carry the additional load of water pipes, heaters and fans.


Our crop bars are just another reason why Northern Polytunnels produce the most robust tunnels on the market, specifically designed to stand up to the worst that the British weather can throw at them.